czwartek, 3 października 2019

Daydream Cathedral - Leviathan Romance (2019) EN

Shawn Michael makes music as Daydream Cathedral "influenced and inspired by the mythical, magical, and mystical". Practically speaking, it results in interesting solo shoegaze, since recently available on a new album Leviathan Romance.

Shoegazing, somewhat raw guitars straight from the 90s meet there short, almost punk-like compositions. In his project, Michael brings melodies, softness and atmosphere - nostalgically dense and utterly beautiful. Artist's delicate and hidden vocal doesn't spoil anything although I have impression that he's not super hyped about singing.

Sometimes the music's oldschoolness is broken with electronic effects (as in Sparks Will Fly), sometimes it is even emphasized by traditional melodies as in the clear My Bloody Valentine vibe in Crushed. Other times, as in Eyes Barely Open, the whole thing reminds me of other post-punk/shoegaze solo projects such as Vlimmer.

Leviathan Romance costs 3 USD.

Check: Crushed
Country: California, US
Genre: shoegazing dream pop

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