środa, 10 lutego 2021

Spoiwo - Martial Hearts (2021)

Two post-rock bands from Poland that were recently (and rightfully) hyped the most are Tides from Nebula and Besides, two very different approaches to the genre, the former focusing on electro-shoegaze and the latter on the atmospheric side of the music. And now there's the third one as Spoiwo are finally back with their second album on which they marry the two approaches in such a cool way.

Martial Hearts is a follow up to their debut from 2015, such a long time without any new music from them (and I mean ANY, there's nothing I know of besides the two albums). They changes their style a lot, and they are happy to admit it: "it is a huge amount of time – an era in our lives. The world is a difference place now, so are we, and so is our new album". Their new sound is very, very electronic. However, unlike Tides from Nebula, they use this synthetic sound to generate atmosphere that is heavy but also uplifting at the same time rather than shocking with heavy pace and loudness.

They can be extremely moody, as in the epic Two Mountains, a song that develops for a long time and reaches an unbelievably dense moment at the end, also thanks to the organ-like keys (and also containing beautiful vocals, very sad but also very much appealing to a listener's humanity core within). Afterwards, their music is strictly instrumental / electronic which the musicians are able to use in a monumental way (Riot Sons) or crushingly powerful (Verge) while the vocals come back for the heavy ballad of Wounds. I love every second of this album.

Martial Hearts costs 6 EUR.

Check: Two Mountains
Country: Poland
Genre: dark electronic post-rock

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