poniedziałek, 22 marca 2021

Lorem Ipsum - Vivre encore (2021)

The French band Lorem Ipsum is probably one of the most intriguing things I've listened to this year. Their music can only be described as neoclassical post-hardcore and this says it all. The combination of classical instruments and desperate vocals is stunning and can be admired on the band's second album Vivre encore.

Perhaps neoclassicism is not the best term here as the compositions on the album are usually kept in a very post-hardcore-like, fast-paced and chaotic way. The violins (that are sooo exciting with those vibes) as well as piano keys resemble more some crazy folk energetic tunes but suited up in a nice, baroque form. The complexity and the untamed energy of this music fill the soul of the listeners with powerful joy. And there's still the coolest part - the screamo vocals. Those are, as the genre dictates, screaming, desperate and violent. The contrast here is what builds the uncanny awe that stayed with me for the whole time the album was on.

You can hardly not appreciate the neoclassicism here either. Some introductions are composed as delicate, beautiful pieces for piano and violins only to get violently torn into pieces after a few seconds. And to make the whole thing even more peculiar, the album is meant as a "concept album about body failures" which fittingly corresponds with the cover art but unfortunately cannot be admired without the knowledge of French. Still - unique and interesting, just like the whole release.

Vivre encore costs 7 EUR.

Check: Véro
Country: France
Genre: neoclassical post-hardcore

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