piątek, 24 marca 2023

Flyying Colours - You Never Know (2023)

The Melbourne-based band of Flyying Colours seem to have their reliable way of creating very catchy and engaging noisy music. They proved it once again on their third album ever called You Never Know

This is this kind of noise music that certainly is very melodic but this feature is often lost, on purpose, in the sea of lo-fi guitar noise. It's rather slow and aims more likely to the audience's heart than to their legs and other dancing parts of a body. The guitars are toned down, although, if you focus well enough, they give out how powerful they could become. But that's not the point: the guitar noise accompanies the sweet melodies and even sweeter vocals that lead the way through the catchy compositions. In general, the Australians' dreamy music ranges from very twee-like songs to a bit rougher, but still very melodic pieces.

You Never Know costs 12 EUR (10 GBP).

Check: Never Forget
Country: Australia
Genre: lo-fi noisy indie pop
Label: Club AC30/Poison City

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