środa, 6 grudnia 2017

Valiska - On Pause (2017) EN

Born in Poland but living in Canada Krzysztof Sujata, or Valiska, has just released a very personal album. In his unique approach to ambient music, Sujata includes a whole range of feelings.

"On Pause" tells the story of life-changing events he experienced in the two previous years. It is supposed to get to the audience's experiences too as those experiences, just like Valiska'a music, are built of several layers that change their meaning. As the artist writes, something that used to be "infuriating can become running jokes or fond memories".

There's no joke in Valiska's music though. A collection of sounds on one hand sounds like random recordings from very weird streets, surrealistic city landscapes, on the other like precisely planned symphony documenting feelings in audio files. Our consciousness stops itself drawn by the fascinating story that makes the best, in my opinion, album's track - "Softness" or this so very Polish field audio found at the end of "Across a City, Across a Country, Pts.  1, 2 & 3".

"On Pause" costs 7,50 GBP.

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