piątek, 13 marca 2020

Black Books - Cheer Up (2020 EN

Black Books is a band from Austin, Texas, that play together for a decade already. However, their name still is more associated with a great British sitcom that with dream pop works of the Americans. Perhaps it can change a little with the new EP called Cheer Up.

It consists of four indie pop tracks with a big dose of dream pop vibes. Great impression is made by Ross Gilfillan's vocals - high-pitched, oneiric and dreamy. They describe their music as "cosmic cowboy shoegaze", and on one hand it's a funny way to say that, on the other, it couldn't be more true. Because in their music there's both, a bit of catchiness and dream pop atmosphere, an important aspect of the album.

Especially when talking about Goodbye Cool a track with some indeed pop-esque touches with the vibes of, say, Scandinavian, ambitious pop. Similarly danecable is Holy Deja Vu, not to mention the album's best I'm not Sure, but I'm Sorry in which the vocals turn towards rock of the Kings of Leon quality and still fit perfectly.

Cheer Up costs 5 USD.

Check: I'm not Sure, but I'm Sorry
Country: Texas, US
Genre: dreamy indie rock
Label: Shifting Sounds

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