wtorek, 31 marca 2020

Ljos - A Foreword (2020) EN

The Ola Budzyńska - Patryk Banach duo that embraced a Scandinavian-sounding name (in Icelandic ljós means light) make another great band from the Opus Elefantum label. 

The album is actually a collection of last year's EPs, even on Spotify it's labelled as playlist. And as could be expected from the name, Ljos' music is ambitious, neoclassicism-derived chamber pop with evident Scandinavian atmosphere. Delicate, non-overwhelming melodies and the accompaniment of piano and viola plus electronic sounds that are subtle but adding to the whole's multidimensionality and modern vibes  (Frakkur!), this is its definition. 

As everybody who is inspired by the Far Norths's music, the duo clearly puts the atmosphere first, one that is even greater thanks to Budzyńska's warm vocals.

A Foreword costs 2 EUR (10 PLN).

Check: Frakkur
Country: Poland
Genre: neoclassical chamber pop
Label: Opus Elefantum

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