środa, 23 maja 2018

Sairen - Neige Nuit (2018) EN

Published by Fluttery Records new album by the French composer creating as Sairen casts a spell o the audience not only because of the delicatelly beautiful cover art. It's a combination of musical romanticism and brutalism, it is somewhere on their border where the instrumental-electronic post-rock from "Neige Nuit" is situated.

Romantic, "baroque" as the artist himself calls it, atmosphere is clearly visible in tracks such as "Nordvarme", where warm, bass sounds match wonderfully the airy backing vocals just like well designed ballads would, or such as truly neoclassical "Shied of Light". On the other hand, the artist clearly likes building up verses of music that are being looped and lasting for long minutes mesmerizing the audience.

On the yet other hand, he juxtaposes the ballads with dramatic post-rock based either on hard sounding guitar sounds as in "Salvation" or on more orchestral, absolutely epic sounds in "Fall of the Colossus". And in the end, everything spectacularly dies in "Neolithic".

"Neige Nuit" costs 7,99 USD.

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