wtorek, 2 marca 2021

Blue Minute - Live or Hope (2020)

Blue Minute is an artist with very specific interests: "Tapes. Vinyl. Found Sound. Samples. Synths. Guitars. Drums. Bass. Thrift. Theft. Beaches. Clipd Beaks Gang". But he doesn't make hip-hop music as one could guess, quite far from it actually. His new EP is filled with very dreamy but also very electronic music.

It is opened with Live or Hope  which is a perfect example of slowcore ambient pop the dreamy atmosphere of which takes a lot from dark, foggy landscapes at dawn. Exceptionally moody track. And then, the album changes: now it's slowcore ambient pop as seen from the sunny, Californian perspective with No More Years built upon clear and invasive electronic backgrounds that eventually transform into some guitar noise too. It's not a slow slowcore, but the atmosphere is similar thanks to the extremely subtle vocals sounding as if heard from very far away. The industrial soundscapes that finish the album fit both of the worlds perfectly, even if there's as much of nervousness as there's peace in this music, especially in my favourite track here, To the Sky.

Also, I love the cover arts Blue Minute adds to his music and this EP is no exception here.

Live or Hope costs whatever you want to pay.

Check: To the Sky
Country: California, US
Genre: electronic slowcore
Label: Blue Industry

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