wtorek, 4 kwietnia 2023

Excellent Skeleton - On Mercury Sea (2023)

The Cardiff-based Excellent Skeleton debuted this year with their combination of psychedelic noise scapes and traditional rock & roll" on the album called On Mercury Sea. And this is one solid and promising debut if I've ever seen one.

One of the music genre they quote as influential on their music is shoegaze, but it has to be said that the loud and noisy guitars sometimes give way to the lively melodies and unpretentious vocals (as in the very catchy Train Station). And if it is noisy, it is noisy in the style of Spiritualized: music as psychedelic as it can be packed in a good dose of loudness. This also includes the "choral" vocals that, for me, always felt like almost a gospel-like and I have a great sentiment for them. This debut from the British Isles sure sounds like happened some around two decades ago and I appreciate it very much. They know what they like in the music from back then and know what to do to achieve a similar sound, that's for sure.

On Mercury Sea costs 12 EUR (10 GBP).

Check: Mosquito
Country: Wales/UK
Genre: noisy psychedelic rock

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