czwartek, 27 kwietnia 2023

sadness / oculi melancholiarum - springgarden (2023)

Damián Antón Ojeda and Victoria Carmilla Hazemaze, or as they are better known sadness and oculi melancholarium, joined forces to release a fantastic split album earlier this year. springgarden feels like a perfect soundtrack for greeting the intoxicating season that is upon us.

The two artist who feel extremely comfortable at creating the lo-fi, bedroom blackgaze with a lot of influences from everywhere. The first two tracks are provided by Ojeda and they are surprisingly lively and energetic. The fast-paced compositions do have the signature haze and noisy bits (quite long one in fact), but the main thing one focuses on is the signature, dispersed but definitely not subtle vocals and the pace. In especially love the free approach to the structure of the tracks with long drone'y passages that divide the instances of the noisy shoegaze madness. The part delivered by Hazemaze is what we would call a true blackgaze: angry metal vocalizations and oneiric, subtle vocals on top of guitar-based but also very synthy and extremely flow-reach music is what the genre is about. 

springgarden costs whatever you want to pay.

Check: Best Friend
Country: Mexico/Illinois, US
Genre: lo-fi electronic shoegaze/blackgaze

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