czwartek, 27 grudnia 2018

Milanku - Monument du non​-​être & Mouvement du non​-​vivant (2018) EN

Anger, passion and atmosphere, this is the Canadian Milankuwhich becomes the hardcore face of the French-speaking Quebec. You can hear it on their new album called Monument du non​-​être & Mouvement du non​-​vivant ("Non-Living Monument, Non-Living Movement").

Long and diverse tracks by the Canadians combine a lot of guitar genres we love, starting from the ambient passages, through the truly post-rock parts, up to the post-metal rage. They make it certain from the very beginning of their biography, saying that they "expresses brutality, nostalgia and melancholia" to describe the "contemporary chaos and lack of common sense" of the modern world. What's interesting is that their non-musical inspirations, also for their name, includes the Czech writer Milan Kundera.

As for a band identifying itself with post-hardcore, Milanku doesn't use a lot of vocals. They mostly express themselves though their music and very much post-rock elements such as moody usage of samples. Those, just like the vocal, are in French which only adds up to the uniqueness of the Canadians' music.

Monument du non​-​être & Mouvement du non​-​vivant costs 8 CAD.

Check: Le mouvement du non-vivant
Country: Canada
Genre: post-hardcoring post-rock

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