poniedziałek, 25 maja 2020

REW<< - Clepsydrae (2020) EN

Ryan E. Weber, known as REW<< , is a musician quite familiar to the blog's readers. Coming from the Great Lakes area, the artist appeared here with the album On the Horns of Our Spheres two year ago. This time he's back with a short but so moody EP called Clepsydrae.

Filled with piano magic like the title's hourglass is filled with sand, the album is a perfect choice for an audiophile's late evening. Neoclassical tracks with impossible delicate noise backgrounds (so well sounding together in Tower of the Winds) impresses the audience with the raw beauty. Some additions here include non-pushy drums and elements of somewhat sacral airiness in Clepsydra, but in general it's a minimalist neoclassical album and this is its strength.

Clepsydrae costs 8 USD.
Check: Tower of the Winds
Country: US
Genre: piano-driven neoclassicism

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