czwartek, 30 lipca 2020

Psychic Markers - Psychic Markers (2020) EN

Psychic Markers' delicate psychedelia psychodelia comes back on the third, May-released album. It's important because after that... another album appeared. But I will here focus on the very good Psychic Markers.

In the Englishmen's music there's a lot from not only psychedelic atmosphere with Flaming Vibes and Grandaddy's vibes but also reminds me a lot of the art pop, vaudeville-like Jonathan Bree (if you don't believe me, check out Silence in the Room and ask yourself how come it's not featured on the New Zealander's Sleepwalking. In other places, it's, however delicate, typical psychodelic music, both in the instrumental Pulse and more psych-rock Sacred Geometry and Irrational Idol Thinking.

The band's album is called a "beautiful bottling of time and place that magically ends up somewhere completely new", and this describes the variety of sensations, music worlds that collide here making a pop mixture that is both catchy and multidimensional. There's no way you can be bored with the London-based musicians' mesmerizing ceremony.

Psychic Markers costs 7 GBP.

Check: Irrational Idol Thinking
Country: UK 
Genre: psychedelic pop

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