wtorek, 1 października 2019

Derider - You Became the Ground (2019) EN

Derider, quartet based in Pittsburgh, create music from the borderland between post-punk and noise rock and this is always an interesting blend. Although they showed their first single four years ago already, they debut with the long play called You Became the Ground only now.

The album consists of easily digestive, catchy songs in which there's a lot of cold post-punk and indeed a bit of noise, but also some shoegaze influences and lo-fi aesthetics. Sure, the recording's quality could be better and the guitar noise clearer, but it also means that the whole thing has this nostalgically old-school vibe. Anyway, this i snot the end of the genre inspirations as we also have truer punk in Wrong Place / Worse Time, gothic Will, and finally the ballad Paper Doll. Very approachable mix of diverse guitar music.

You Became the Ground costs 7 USD.

Check: Will
Country: Pennsylvania, US
Genre: lo-fi post-punk

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