czwartek, 7 marca 2019

Niights - Hellebores (2019) EN

Floating between charming dream pop and heavy rock, Niights show why they coined a genre name dream pop especially for themselves. The Cleveland-based formation have just released two parts of an album Hellebores.

The band led by the vocalist Jenna Fournier admit that they are inspired by various artists - from MBV and Slowdive to Yo La Tengo and Joanna Newsom. All of those inspirations are heard in their works. The buttercups type themed album's first part is opened with grinding intro and the album's perhaps catchiest track - Generator. The first thing to notice is Fournier's vocal that somehow relates less to dream pop and more to rock music bands advertised with a strong female personality as the leader.

On the other hand, my favourite track Stars combines its first part, extremely dream pop-like in the best possible way and a post scriptum in the form of over flooding guitar wave. It's very similar in the album's second part with a slight difference as it's even more reigned by hard rock guitars. The best summary of the whole album would be the long With Bated Breath going through all the phases typical for Niights' music.

Hellebores costs 7.99 USD.

Check: Stars 
Country: Ohio, US
Genre: dream metal

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