poniedziałek, 11 marca 2019

The Dwindlers - Beautiful Unfamiliar (2019) EN

The combination of music and poetry is one of the most beautiful ones on this blog. This time it was made by a New York-based duet The Dwindlers, or "ambience and imaginery" as they say. It can be tasted on the January album called Beautiful Unfamiliar.

The tracks here are devoted to the journey the artists had in Europe, which is especially noticeable in Dekuji Praha with a title translated to "Thank you, Prague". But their credo is already present in the statement that they "write about dreams, nature, and travel". The poetry part is the responsibility of the writer (and a singer) Michelle Seaman. In the album's best track, the opener Water Be My Road Now, inspires awe not only with the words and her deep voice, but also wit the airy backing vocals.

The music side is the domain of Benjamin Dauer. It is basically elusive electronics, peaceful and adding to the project's atmosphere but never in the foreground. Also, Dauer can be heard as a vocalist in Cold Sugar. Still, the most interesting part of the album is the title's unfamiliar beauty, this look from outside on our European culture.

Beautiful Unfamiliar costs 9 USD.

Genre: Water Be My Road Now
Country: New York, US
genre: poetry ambient

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