wtorek, 20 października 2020

Mint Field - Sentimiento Mundial (2020) EN

Mint Field is a Mexican band we remember from their exciting debut Pasar de las Luces two years ago. This autumn, they are back with a solid, dream pop atmosphere- and shoegaze noise-filled followup in Sentimiento Mundial.

First thing that draws the listener's attention on the album are Estrella del Sol's vocals that combine dream pop mystery with almost theatrically pumped up emotions. It makes the impression of a mesmerizing dream full of warm but also sad feelings that go straight to the listener even if they don't speak Spanish. The vocals sound on the background that do not claim the leading role in this music and are rather dream pop supplements but from time to time can surprisingly burst out with some raw noise (as in Natural or Aterrizar).

The band claim that the album "explores the nostalgia and the melancholy of the daily life with loud guitars and vocals that give life to a unique and supernatural shoegaze". And this quest for finding inspiration and sadness in the every day reality really speaks to me and I feel it with my entire self.

Sentimiento Mundial costs 10 USD.

Check: Aterrizar
Country: Mexico
Genre: noisy dream pop
Label: felte

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