sobota, 10 października 2020

Polar Moon - As Above, So Below (2020) EN

Jonny Radtke is a pianist and neoclassical musician who makes music under the Polar Moon moniker. His, as it seems, debut album, As Above, So Below, was released back in June by the American label Past Inside the Present.
As the project's name suggests, Radtke's music makes a peaceful and atmospheric soundscape inspired by the Far North. His label adds that "from the opening notes (...) the listener can’t help but feel like everything is going to be ok". So it's quite funny that the album's title is also the title of a famous horror movie from before several years. However, this peace and optimism are somewhat weakened for example by the lively and unnervingly industrial electronic backgrounds of Floating. Still, it's mostly that the short tracks mesmerize with the neoclassical beauty of piano and strings like it is in Reminiscent of You, As Above, So Below or Ursa Minor.

And if anybody wants more music, Bandcamp offers the album enriched by every track's remix done by some interesting artists like for example Slow Dancing Society.

As Above, So Below costs 7 USD.

Check: Reminiscent of You
Country: US
Genre: piano neoclassical
Label: Past Inside the Present

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