sobota, 1 sierpnia 2020

Aesthesys - Alignments (2020) EN

Aesthesys, a post-rock quartet from the East, are not very well-known for the rest of the world but they just released their seventh (!) album. What's more important, it's filled with some absolutely top shelf music with unique sound. Let's then check Alignments.

Post-rock plus neoclassicism, this is a combination that makes it easy to fall into a trap of the kitschy epicness. Fortunately, the Russians managed to espace that and that's even though strings, keys and subtle electronics are not only ornaments but the core of their music. This electronic, very modern face is what they point out to in their music describing it in a picturesque way as "Robots' and neural networks' most favourite progressive rock band, soon to be the official soundtrack of the AI uprising".

That having said, the band really knows what to do with guitars as well and it's proved by, for example, Transcendants in which the coarse guitar sounds correspond well with strings. But the real pugnacious face is shown in Hello World, a track with so characteristic epic moments sounding like inspired by dub step. And afterwards, the band still have some aces in the sleeves, like for instance the xylophone in Better Stranger

Alignments costs 10 USD.

Check: Hello World
Country: Russia
Genre: modern post-rock

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