niedziela, 15 listopada 2020

Drain Blossoms - Tales from the Ixian Tomb (2020) EN

Virginia-based artist making their music under the moniker of Drain Blossoms released last month their first and second albums. I found Tales from the Ixian Tomb first and I'm in awe.

The album is commented on with the not-perfect quote from Tyler Ragar's poem: "In the middle of the winter, in the middle of the night, these two dead boys got up to fight". If there's not enough of this dark but also irrational atmosphere, the artist's website also quotes Dante. And it's somehow reflected on the album - on one hand there's a lot of dark neoclassicism, especially when it comes to the thick strings, on the other - a solid quantity of electronic effects weirding it up (The Conduit) and some other ways of expression like choral chanting in the great An Accurate Portrayal of a Solemn Betrayal or very dream pop-like vocals in Phil.

It has to be said that the artist managed to create a diverse album that at the same time seems to be kept in coherent atmosphere. A bit like Burton, a bit like early Irrepressibles - neoclassicism and electronics together serving the dark, gothic but also somewhat ridiculous compositions. Delicious. Now let's check the second album called The Halfway Child.

Tales from the Ixian Tomb costs 7 USD.

Check: An Accurate Portrayal of a Solemn Betrayal
Country: Virginia, US
Genre: goth electronica

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