niedziela, 1 listopada 2020

Josh Alexander - Bright Morning Jetlag Blues (2020) EN

Bristol-based Josh Alexander is a neoclassical artist whose works are based on piano sounds. Two years ago, he released a great album called Hiraeth and is now back with a charming EP Bright Morning Jetlag Blues.

As the title suggests, the music here makes a seeping ans quite dark morning landscape. The piano keys are exceptionally slow and drizzling like an autumn rain while sounding on the background of mawkish, melancholic strings, so beautiful in After All. And the album goes on like this until the first optimist notes of Winter Garden, for me, this is the moment when the Sun finally rises and the day begins. If this is not a perfect music interpretation of a morning, I don't know what is.

Bright Morning Jetlag Blues costs 6 CAD.

Check: After All
Country: UK
Genre: piano-driven soundscape
Label: Moderna Records

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