poniedziałek, 9 listopada 2020

Occult Modem Settings - Like Like Like Like Like Like (2020) EN

It's not often that a music project's name so fittingly expresses its music content and it is so in the case of Steven Danglis and his project called Occult Modem Settings. Why? Because it's minimalist DYI electronics that at the same time is able to sound as if possessed by an evil spirit.

It's well audible on the new album called Like Like Like Like Like Like. It's filled with "stream-of-consciousness noisy drone pop" that in its diversity includes beautiful fragments filled with field recordings, tiny melodies and melancholic prettiness. But it can as well be brutal (Heave(n) or the sudden burst in Bird Brides) or subtly noisy (beautiful in A Very Watery River). And this is the clue of this beauty - that it includes so many approaches to itself.

Like Like Like Like Like Like costs whatever you want to pay.

Check: A Very Watery River
Country: New York, US
Genre: ethereal noise

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