poniedziałek, 5 grudnia 2016

No Clear Mind - Makena (2016) EN

Greek Week!.Delicate shoegaze, funeral pop, bedroom music - there’s many ways to describe a great London based band - Piano Magic. And, what I’ve just discovered, Greek No Clear Mind. It was really fortunate because the quintet has just released their new album - “Makena”. The title is sort of mystery to me as it cam mean either hydroxyprogesterone - manmade female hormone used to help women in pregnancy or an ocean district with beautiful beaches. Which makena is a better match?

The biggest difference between Piano Magic and NCM is the vocal - less whispery-mysterious kind, more self-confident that might be even accurate for, e.g. prog rock if it was tiny bit louder. The atmosphere is the same - tension under the skin, a river of sadness (“No man is an island but this is how I feel/season after season/year after year” (“No Man is an Island”) and this weird consolation in despair (“Feels like sinking in serenity/drifting where your heart will have me drift/I open up my arms to taste/your warm sweet and quiet embrace” (“Saint John”)).

For every fan of ambient pop with more guitars than keys but with tons of atmosphere - “Makena”.

The album is available for 6 EUR.

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