poniedziałek, 23 stycznia 2017

:Watchcamp: - The Daisy Heaves, Espectro, Forsaken Autumn, Utvar, Вот Мой Дом EN

Let's begin a series of posts with some tracks by bands that simply don't have more or are about to come back with new material. We're looking closely at them and waiting for more music.

Espectro - Für Immer - annoyingly noisy ambient from Chile that sounds like a night in the snowy Andes. :facebook:

Forsaken Autumn - Touch - loud shoegaze from China, a new track after year of silence. Don't regulate your speakers. :facebook:

The Daisy Heaves - Jingwei - psychodelic and dreamy, barely hearable shoegaze leaves us with many questions and no answers. We need more by the Americans. :facebook:

Utvar -  Noći Rata - new song by the Srbian project from Zrenjaninu. Delicate and extremely moody dreampop. :facebook:

Вот Мой Дом - Закрытая Дверь - Russian dreampop with keys and winter "dacha" cabin on the cover, this is something for me. :vk:

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